
If you need to block an IP Plus card, call +39 02 62695560

Open 24 hours, 365 days a year

Request or modify website services

  • To request or modify website services, download this form, fill it out COMPLETELY and send it off using the Contact us form.  
  • Complete a separate form for every service requested and ensure your client code is written clearly in the appropriate field.
  • All requests are governed by our General Conditions which you accept at the time you sign the contract (ie form) and at the moment of any further modifications to it. Depending on the services requested, the monthly cost may change, so please check the cost table and the conditions laid out in the form.

SEPA form requesting and IBAN change

  If you wish to change the bank account details previously provided for direct debit payments, please send a request via the Customer Support area. Select “Modify IBAN” and attach the SEPA form you will find here.

Ensure you complete all fields.

To avoid any bank issues, please allow sufficient time before you close the account currently used for direct debit (RID) payments.

Requests are governed by our General Conditions which you accept at the time you sign the contract (ie form) and at the moment of any further modifications to it.